Message at the Top

The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

March 28, 2014

Karen Dover ~ 5D Energies Continue to Emerge

"LOVE is the answer, no matter the question"
(c) Karen Dover
 It is SO NICE to be validated.  The greater part of this message articulates precisely what I am experiencing.  Because it is so abstract, 'it' being these changes we are moving through, we sort of sit with them internally and maybe even question what meaning they really have.  In this message by Karen Dover, she pinpoints a very particular aspect of our moving from 3D to 5D.  She says even though we have committed to being in 5D, old paradigm thoughts and emotions still come up.  These dense feelings that are the construct of the now-defunct 3D world, are having their last hurrah.  I am seeing this in my life right now, and doing my best to observe those things as they move out and away.  The 3D, and the ego, is trying to assert itself onto our energy signature - but it cannot work.  So in the process of the last-ditch effort of the faded paradigm, we may experience some useless fear and doubt.   Not to worry because "your SOUL will place you in scenarios which are DESIGNED to trigger any little residue that remains in order that you can SEE it and therefore dissolve it".  Breathe.  Release.  We've reached an amazing level of understanding and freedom.  -Sharda-

"Distractions" vs. "Interactions" in TRUTH
by Karen Dover (nee Doonan)
March 28, 2014

As the energies expand rapidly the human life experience at a waking conscious mind level may APPEAR to be very chaotic, it may appear to be very confusing and once again many of you may be facing the “puzzle” that the old 3D earth reality loves to pull out and persuade you needs to be solved.  It is important during this expansion that you are able to discern between that which is termed a “distraction” and that which is in fact an “interaction”. These two scenarios are not interchangeable and one will see you pulled back into the logical mind whilst the other will show your human logical mind where it works best, that is in HARMONY with the HEART space.

Many of you may be working from the very logical notion that the old 3D earth presents to you in that you have disconnected fully from the old 3D earth paradigms, this is a part of the transition process for only in fully disconnecting can you FEEL the difference in the energetic frequencies. The transition process is explained in detail on the main Crystalline Sanctuary website.  As you move through the transition process and begin to dissolve the lower dimensional frequencies you begin to anchor a higher and more expansive energy signature. This sees you RAISE your vibration in order to RE-INTERACT with the old 3D earth paradigms. This may make no logical sense but I would remind you gently that logic plays NO part in the unfolding of the New Earth.

The need to RE-INTERACT with the old 3D earth reality will show you at a very human conscious waking mind level the change in your energy signature, your SOUL showing you the reactions that you will NOW have in relation to scenarios and events that previously (before the disconnection) you would have moved into fear with and been highly triggered. Indeed in many latter parts of the transition process your SOUL will place you in scenarios which are DESIGNED to trigger any little residue that remains in order that you can SEE it and therefore dissolve it. You can only dissolve that which you can see, anything that is running deep within you and is hidden will not be seen and this is why the scenarios are presented to you by your SOUL.

Only by fully dissolving the old 3D earth lower dimensional frequencies can you move into the New Earth, the human logical mind trying to show you at times that as you cannot take anything from the old 3D earth into the New that ALL must be walked away from. This is not what happens, what happens is that ALL DISSOLVES leaving TRUTH for the old 3D earth reality was created within a dimensional space, when it dissolves all that is left IS TRUTH for TRUTH is the very fabric of the universe. ( It may be helpful to reference the blog that explained the old 3D earth in relation to a snowglobe and can be found here).

As you RE-INTERACT with the old 3D earth reality from your expansive and higher energetic signature you begin the MELTING PROCESS, the process that sees ALL begin to dissolve in your human life experience that resonates at a lower frequency than you now carry. THIS is what the old 3D earth reality is trying to prevent you from seeing, it tries to make you believe that it is still somehow a “threat” to you, that by interacting with it you will once more be at its “mercy”.  This works to lower your vibration, the fear that this scenario generates is profound but just because it generates a fear does not MAKE IT TRUTH. For TRUTH JUST IS and it is only by RE-INTERACTING with the old 3D earth that you can be shown by your SOUL the power that YOU ARE in TRUTH.

I do not mean by this that you go back to how you lived prior to disconnecting, that is not possible, for the transition process is A PROCESS and you become unaware of how much you have changed and expanded your energy signature as you move through the process. Many of you are now attempting to slow down or circumvent the RE-INTERACTION part of this process, as this is not TRUTH it is not supported by either your SOUL nor the New Earth, for the New Earth is found beyond the DISSOLVING OF THE OLD 3d EARTH.  So you are not so much moving in linear direction (linear a construct of the old 3d earth) towards a new reality as dissolving the reality that was GIVEN TO YOU and is not TRUTH.   Its a bit like taking off a huge, heavy coat that you were taught to believe you had to wear in order to keep warm.  You have gotten used to the coat and even acclimatized to the coat, so there is no way to check the temperature without the coat without removing said coat.

The old 3D earth reality is no longer, the reference points are fully dissolved however to the human logical mind nothing APPEARS to have changed as the world LOOKS the same, it is not the same, it is at a completely different frequency and as more and more people now RE-INTERACT at their higher energetic frequencies then the NEW will be birthed by the DISSOLVING of the old.

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